Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Americas Watchdog Unveils New Toxic Chinese Drywall Indicators For Homeowners In Florida, California, Arizona & Nationwide

Americas Watchdog & its Homeowners Consumer Center have been leading the nation, in a national, or state by state investigations of toxic Chinese drywall used in US new home construction from 2001. The group was the first to recognize this national disaster for US homeowners was in every state, and the group has come up with a easy to understand check list for owners of a home, or condominium built after 2000, that may help them determine if the toxic Chinese drywall is in their home. According to the group, "the number one indicator for us is charred, or blackened electrical wires inside an electrical receptacle inside your wall." The group says, "if you have blackened or charred electrical wiring inside your wall's receptacle unit, and the home or condo was built after 2000, you probably have the toxic Chinese drywall in your house, and you should call us immediately at 866-714-6466," or contact them via their web site at Http://HomeownersConsumerCenter.Com (PRWeb Mar 9, 2009)

Read the full story at http://www.prweb.com/releases/2009/03/prweb2216294.htm


[Source: PRWeb: Business Real Estate]

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