With eleven million Americans now unemployed, the most in nearly 25 years, according to the New York Times, January 9, 2009, Americans are searching the World Wide Web like never before for professional, good paying, promising jobs to help support themselves and their families. "Izagg Energy, an independent, privately owned company that serves Independent Contractors, launched at a most needed time in American history," said Robin Langston, Founder of "Internet Project Success", a non-profit organization based in New Jersey. Izagg Energy helps solve the problem of Americans who were laid off, resulting from downsizing, or unemployed for whatever reason, by inviting all to join their aggressive company as Independent Contractors. (PRWeb Jan 16, 2009)
Read the full story at http://www.prweb.com/releases/2009/01/prweb1868564.htm
[Source: PRWeb: Business Entrepreneurs]